2 + 2 = REALITY
by William Samuel
A Little Book Filled With Tremendous Insight.
The wisdom and Truth shared here reveals a means by which one is able to comprehend the continuing PRESENCE OF PERFECTION.
2 + 2 = REALITY shines a light on understanding this Self, the very one reading these words, and The Divine Principle, God. You will discover how God, being infinite Awareness, All Encompassing Love, includes the farthest galaxies to the individual personalities identifying as 'me' to the tiniest grain of sand or nuclear particle.
"In 2+2=Reality William Samuel has written a stunningly simple exposition of the nature of 'Everything.' How many words does it take to describe Reality? This slim pocketbook, a complete rendering, will surprise you with its glorious obviousness.... You know that feeling one gets walking outside right after a thunderstorm. Standing in the silence, looking at the last freshening drips of rain falling off leaves. You know how then, that somehow breathing itself is easier and more pleasant because the air has been emptied of something heavy and movement itself feels lighter. Well that is how I felt after reading 2+2 = Reality by William Samuel." --Amazon review
Butterfly Publishing House
Ojai ♥ California
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